Different than other surveillance
Our intelligent video surveillance system offers sophisticated but easy to use features that you can actuarially use it everyday. It comes with unique features that will increase your organization’s efficiency and gain intelligence from video. it’s a fast search , reliable and intelligent video management platform. It has the fundamental features for to be qualified for enterprise level of service, and features to save time and money and fast return of investment. Please read on to see how will the enterprise surveillance system will helping you business.
Fast Forensic Search, save your time.
The first one in Canada for enable you to search surveillance system video by user defined specifics, like what Google did for internet, you can literally tell your video surveillance system what are you looking for and where are you looking for, our surveillance camera can search through month of recorded surveillance video and find it for you in matter of seconds. Powered by 3VR powerful video surveillance search engine, and proven by more than 1,000 customers in Toronto

Built in business video analytics and business intelligence.
Built into our intelligent video surveillance system, is Canada most advanced video analytics, proven by thousands users across Toronto and Ontario. your can capture people’f faces when they enter or exit you premises, at return desk and service counter, and then index, compare and search those faces for your own use. You can also capture and analysis license plate, object size, speed, direction colours, dwell time, demographics and point of sale (POS) datas. Because the fact that all our intelligent video analytics function all built into the video surveillance system, instead of using third party plugins, so it’s the most accurate and will integrated seamlessly with your CCTV cameras. Please check out our complete of range of video analytics below.
Centralized management, with built in case manager.
No more jumping from different video surveillance servers between locations, now all of your surveillance systems can be interconnected by our enterprise server, so you can remotely dial into all of your video server at once. You can now view live view, play back, and back up video from all locations across your enterprise at the same time. with the central case manager, users from different levels and locations now can share evidences and built case together. As long as the case stay open, evidence video that associated with the case will stay on the server for ever, no more burning discs.

Exceptional based Events Alerts.
Our enterprise surveillance system allowed you to specify your own area of interest, and send you email alerts when there activities in those areas with image attachments. By receiving instant email notification for specific events triggered by your surveillance system, including abnormal motion activities from specific security camera, third party alarms and access control events, you no longer have to rely on manual inspections, our surveillance system will notify you when there something you need to know. Be on top of everything.
Realtime system health monitoring and Alerts.
Our system constantly monitoring the health of the entire surveillance system, cross your entire enterprise. the sysmte will will email us when every the security camera is down, network has been disconnected, hard drive is not working Ect. with the added stability from a RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Drives) hard drive configuration, we’ll have time to fix it without significant down time. Be on top of everything.